Peter Corsius:
by: Boi Janssen www.bingelder.nl
Jaargang 1961 en al heel jong in aanraking gekomen
met "e trömmelke". Zoals zo vele muzikanten in Maastricht werden de
eerste muzikale stappen gezet in de carnavalsmuziek. Na in het
schoolorkest te hebben gespeeld was hij jarenlang lid van "les Chaupiques" en daarna van "C'est Ca" die beide wereldmuziek
spelen. De
switch naar oude stijl New Orleans kwam uiteindelijk niet onverwacht en
ondanks de compleet andere speelstijl voelt hij zich perfect op zijn gemak
bij de Gumbo Jazzband. Peter is tevens lid van de
Hurricane Brassband.
Born in 1961, he felt attracted to the drums at a very early age. Like a
lot of musicians in Maastricht, he played his first riffs at Mardi Gras
time. After being a member of the schoolorchestra, he was a long time
member of "Les Chaupiques"and after that "C'est ca" who both play all
kinds of music. It was not the question if I ever would switch to the
traditional New Orleans Jazz but only when. It's a compleet different
style of playing the drums, but I feel very comfortable playing with the
Gumbo Jazzband. Peter also plays in the
Hurricane Brassband.
Informatie: Gumbo Jazzband Penatenhof 13 NL 6125 BT MAASTRICHT +31 (0)6 27922554 of per |